Results of the AKM Video Meteor Network - June 2000

June is an interesting month for video observers, even though the nights are
short and there are no bigger showers in sight yet. The reason: Observer 
groups in different countries suspect a number of minor showers which 
"did not made it" into IMO's working list yet. Thanks to the good weather 
especially in the first part of the month we were able to secure many meteor 
recordings, which might help to unveil the true nature of one or the other 
shower. Detailed investigations are currently under way.

Unfortunately, there was largely poor weather in Germany during the June 
Bootids, which surprised the observers in 1998 with an outburst of the 
strength of a regular Perseid maximum. Nevertheless, two video observations 
were obtained under sub-optimal conditions in Aachen. Whereas the shower was 
detectable in the first night (June 26/27) with rates below the sporadic 
activity, no shower members were recorded in the following night. Our JBO 
summary for 2000: active yes, outburst no.

1. Observers

Code     Name      Place          Camera       FOV     LM   Nights  Time Meteors
MOLSI  Molau    Aachen        AVIS (2.0/35)   40 deg 5.0 mag  13   47.5 h  180
NITMI  Nitschke Dresden       VK1 (0.75/50)   20 deg 7.0 mag   3   11.5 h   26
RENJU  Rendtel  Marquardt     CARMEN (1.8/28) 28 deg 5.0 mag  12   34.5 h   80  
Overall                                                       19   93.5 h  286  

2. Observing Times (h)

Jun    01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15
MOLSI  4.3  4.0   -    -    -    -    -    -    -   4.1   -   4.4  1.6   -   2.3
NITMI   -   3.6  3.8  4.1   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
RENJU   -   2.4   -   3.4   -    -   3.1  3.2  3.3   -    -   2.9   -    -    -
Sum    4.3 10.0  3.8  7.5   -    -   3.1  3.2  3.3  4.1   -   7.3  1.6   -   2.3

Jun    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30 
MOLSI  2.8  3.2  3.4  4.5  4.5   -    -    -    -    -   4.0  4.4   -    -    -
NITMI   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
RENJU  2.9  3.3  2.9  2.5  2.9   -    -    -   1.7   -    -    -    -    -    -
Sum    5.7  6.5  6.3  7.0  7.4   -    -    -   1.7   -   4.0  4.4   -    -    -

3. Results (Meteors)

Jun    01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15
MOLSI  14   15    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   26    -    8    4    -    6
NITMI   -   11    4   11    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
RENJU   -    5    -    6    -    -    9   10    6    -    -   11    -    -    -
Sum    14   31    4   17    -    -    9   10    6   26    -   19    4    -    6

Jun    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30 
MOLSI   6   16   10   18   21    -    -    -    -    -   19   17    -    -    -
NITMI   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
RENJU   7    3    4    9    8    -    -    -    2    -    -    -    -    -    -
Sum    13   19   14   27   29    -    -    -    2    -   19   17    -    -    -

Sirko Molau, 2000/07/10